aka Lobster Boy "Eye-Live"
Performance Art Genius! TIME magazine said so! (NO THEY DID NOT.)
"Why would I steal three jokes from you when I have hours of material?" -Dane Cook
"Not in my America." -Randy Quaid
"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." -Groucho Marx
"He's everything I would want my son to be if he'd turned out like that." -Geriatric Caucasian Lady
Like an arrow ripping through the larynx, the Black Scorpion burst onto the sideshow scene, sending shock waves of panic throughout the metal folding chair industry.
After his stint doing "time," out and on probation, the Black Scorpion has returned, prepared to make it rain (if and only if by "rain" you mean cry) because he will most likely make it "rain" real hard, possible flooding.
See the modern day Cupid live and on stage with Ballyhoo Betty and the 999 Eyes Freakshow and Surreal Sideshow, before the "care facility" realizes he is gone.
Hammer Hands, 5/3 Questions, "Die-Hard" Glass Walking, Balloon Swallow, Electric Chair, Handcuff Escapes, Self Tying Shoelaces, as well as the Black Scorpion Puppet
Antone’s (TX), Liberty Lunch (TX), SUNY Purchase College (NY), California Institute of Abnormal Art (LA), Maxine’s (AR), Asbury Lanes, (NJ).
National Geographic’s “Taboo”, Bizarre Magazine, the Documentary “the Last American Freak Show”, the Travel Channel, Rue Morgue Magazine, Spirit (Southwest Airlines in-flight Magazine)
For more of the Black
Scorpion's media & opinions, visit his campaign
web site:
and read more about the exploits of the Black Scorpion
on sideshowworld.com:

